Area of focus:

  • Building of self-esteem through nurturing personal care
  • Interaction with groups to spark curiosity and socialization
  • Focus on cognitive and motor skills through playtime and activities
  • Development through age-appropriate materials and toys
  • Regular communication between teachers and parents to keep you informed about your child’s day

Subjects involved for Class VII:

  1. Kiswahili
  2. English
  3. Mathematics
  4. Social Studies
  5. Science and Technology
  6. Civic and Moral
  7. Vocational

Subjects involved for Class III, IV, V and VI:

  1. Kiswahili
  2. English
  3. Mathematics
  4. Social Studies
  5. Science and Technology
  6. Civic and Moral
  7. Computer

Subjects involved for Class I and II:

  1. Reading
  2. English
  3. Kiswahili
  4. Health Care & Environment
  5. Science
  6. Kusoma
  7. Imla
  8. Spelling
  9. Art and Play
  10. Writing Skills
  11. Computer
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